
Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Like we spoke last time about "how companies are looking for candidates over social media extensively", hence we thought why don't we share our views how anyone who is looking to attract the employers through social media be more successful.. We would like to know more about your views.. 

Right from promoting the undertaking of a new project to announcing the completion of a certified course, from blogging about a trip to the States, to tweeting about the events attended, interactions with celebrities, reviews and ratings, social awareness, traffic and weather updates; practically every incident, every occasion, every accomplishment is shared online. The world today is going social and not merely in terms of lifestyle but many other professional aspects as well.

What we do not realize is that this plethora of information can actually work to our benefit in terms of yielding a stable flow of income in the future. Social media indirectly acts as our online resume, and a presence across all platforms will only add to our credentials.

Social media and job opportunities.
When a company declares an opening, there are heaps of applications that flow in. Screening through the lot and scheduling for interviews becomes tiresome. Besides, why take so much effort when a glance at the candidate’s profile can resolve half of the issues?

Be your own critique.
Cleaning up and updating your profile before approaching employers is a must. If you have recently acquired a diploma, update it in your profile. If you are aware that being tagged in certain posts on your timeline can prove to be a hindrance for your image while seeking a job, why take a risk?

Display your enthusiasm in the right places.
When a candidate conducts his/her behavior in the virtual world with grace and precaution, it goes to show how they will interact with the clients or maintain the company’s professional stature in the future. An individual whose profile houses indecent photographs, has comments with the use of slang or has even shared inappropriate information, has high chances of being rejected outright.

Do you portray yourself as a meek follower or a strong leader?
The way you communicate, the kind of posts you share, the pictures that you upload, the groups that you follow, the grammatically correct and informative tweets that you generate – your activeness on social media sub-consciously acts as a contributing factor to your personality.

Facebook account - Check! Twitter handle - Check! LinkedIn? What is that required for?
Imagine getting a virtually visible testimonial from the Vice President of your company for your hard work and good managerial skills. Linked In is a medium for professional networking, but online. An opportunity to pave your way into an organization via connecting with the right people, not just for entrepreneurs but also individuals seeking for a change in their jobs.

Be opinionated not self-promotional.
Employers seek for individuals who prefer being a part of the solution rather than being the cause for a problem. Even if the online world doesn't allow for a face-to-face conversation, the way you put forth your views speaks for your confidence levels.

A proactively social approach can open doors to many opportunities that you never even knew existed. Employers love it when the candidate has already liked their page on Facebook, has favorite a few of their tweets and follows their group discussions on Linked In. This shows that the candidate has a keen interest in the company’s happenings and wishes to stay updated, making the decision of whether or not to hire him - much simpler.

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