Today, the
primary question asked when you meet somebody new and want to keep in touch is -
“Are you on Facebook?” If you want to build contacts – “Can I please connect
with you on LinkedIn?” Even to the extent of “What is your Twitter handle? I
want to stay updated!” The world we live in has definitely gone virtual! Or
should we say – ‘social’?
historians crafting a word of mouth campaign, to slowly seeping into the galore
of media via print and finally adapting to the virtual world of being online;
technology sure has come a long way. With changing times, many institutions and
organizations have taken up the challenge of staying updated.
Take for
example the process of recruitment. Imagine going through the ordeal of having
to send your existing employees with pamphlets and brochures to various
outlets, putting up sign boards outside the office and even publishing advertisements
in the newspaper.
It did not
halt there. Post this, when a candidate applied, carrying out necessary
background checks and screening was another task. And the worst part would be,
in spite of all these efforts, not being able to find that perfect candidate.
Loss of time, energy and money.
Take a leap to
the current scenario. Cut the chase of advertising, because if word of mouth
does not work, there is always Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the oh-so-popular
medium WhatsApp. Now imagine all digital trails that existing/future employees
tend to leave online! Go ahead. Google it!
Pinterest, Google Plus, Tumbler, WordPress are mediums that not only prove
multiple presence, but also indicate the individuals’ line of thought and arena
of interests. Right from whom they follow to the number of groups and voluntary
organizations that they are affiliated with.
Twitter brings
out the creativeness and wit in a person. If one is able to speak volumes in
140 characters, gauging their intellectual level shouldn't be very difficult.
Does the individual use appropriate language? Do they type in short forms? Or
are their sentences grammatically correct? Oh yes! It matters!
For an
ultimate professional dossier online, there is LinkedIn. Besides the vast
circle of social network, if the employer happens to have mutual friends,
background verification and testimonials become easier. The decision whether to
invite the individual for an interview or not is much simpler and is today done
via e-mail.
Sitting in
Noida, one can find information about a candidate who has applied for the
Mumbai branch. Not only that, one can also view if the candidate has lied about
their educational qualifications, what were the terms on which they left their
previous job, will they be a cultural fit for your company and much more.
It can also work vice-versa, i.e. in favor of the candidates. Job hunting has become prominent and less complicated online. If companies are on the lookout for the perfect candidates, individuals too are in the search of that perfect company. But that is a story for another day...! Stay Tuned..!
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