
Friday, 28 November 2014

How to prepare yourself before Interview

Learning acquired on the go in the respectively desired field is the best kind of learning. It not just helps you gain practical knowledge, but also teaches you ‘What not to do’. It trains you to adapt to situations and equips you with first hand experiences that will give you a better understanding for decision making.
The market has always been competitive across sectors. But today, even the jobs are competitive. Each job has its own set of set skills that it expects the employee to possess. Right from being able to multitask to being qualified and enthusiastic to sustain the job. Right from being a cultural fit to being actively updated on Social Media.
Suppose out of a hundred applicants, the company short-listed twenty, and you happen to be one of them. What would you do to ensure that you are their first choice?
Stay tuned stay informed
What is the current trend in trading? What is the company’s policy? What core values constitute the company’s reputation? In simple words – do your background research thoroughly. Just because you have applied for a position in sales and marketing, shouldn’t mean that you have no clue of how the other departments work. 
Live up to the impression
Companies look beyond the attire. Being well groomed is essential and so is nurturing your communication skills. But when you project yourself and interact with your prospective employers, be yourself. It shouldn’t be that one minute you are talking about being passionate about your job and the very next minute you are given a task, instead of analyzing
how to go about you, you begin to panic.
Experience and training
If you get the opportunity to intern in a company while you are still studying prior to applying for a full-time position, weigh your options. Is the company renowned? Can it add value to your existing knowledge? Will it help you learn the ropes and give you a firm grounding? Will it be beneficial in the future? Learning never goes waste, it is always advisable to attend workshops and interact with professionals from the industry.

They are watching
Much before you are shortlisted for an interview, befalls a screening process that sifts through the virtual media to weigh your potential. Being active on social media and being addicted are two different things. If you have a habit to practically post about every little incident on the media, chances are your prospective employers will consider you to be a threat to abiding by the company’s confidentiality.
Punctuality matters
The process of recruitment has multiple stages. If you walk into an interview five minutes after it has already began, you sub-consciously project a careless attitude. It says that there are higher chances of you walking in late on your first day of work as well.
Gestures, body language and eye contact portray your level of confidence. But if the confidence lasts only until you are questioned about current affairs and what would be your stand in certain situations, then is like owning a latest technology smart phone and not using it.

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