
Saturday, 27 December 2014

How Political Decisions Change the Job Market

Whether it’s a society or an individual, families or an organization, large or small businesses, political trends can have its impact at any level. Government agencies and leaders can set certain trends in policies that can affect the legal framework within which businesses operate. It is therefore an essential part to know the political trends at local or national level for planning and strategy development for business development.
Enactment of policies by different political parties shape national and local economies to prosperity founded on their own economic ideologies. Therefore impact on taxes levied on businesses or jobs could be laid due to these political trends.
Alteration in labor laws can be expected by keeping track of political trends. Political candidates are often outspoken about their rationalized mental attitudes regarding minimum wages, insurance requirements, labor-related taxes and regulation on the terms of employment. Any alteration in labor laws can mean a modification in expenses for a business and these expenses can be important for small businesses without large cash reserves. A switch in the minimum wage, for instance, can cut directly into a small company's profitability.
Does politics have an impact on job creation in general or during recessions? Yes, it matters most. Governors and other political bodies are recipients of any jobs benefits from these initiatives, and not originators. There is a business cycle expansion which includes a demand growth, income growth, consumption and investment growth, etc. Politicians and governors during such times do not have much to do except for taking credits for a job growth.
Governments are the primary control points for free markets. Resultantly, the fiscal and monetary policy has a deep bearing on the financial marketplace. Any increase or decrease in government spending impacts unemployment and stabilization of prices. By altering interest rates and the volume of funds available on the open market, governments can modify the flow of investments in and out of the country. Good investments can also mean better scopes of employment for the common people.  
Job growth, however, may not be directly related to the existing political trends. While the cumulative quantity of job progression in a nation is largely driven by macro and global trends, there’s a lot sub-national officials can do to try to boost the number of jobs that are created in their states and cities.
The government can, for sure, make modification in developments, primarily by watching out for and preventing market failures. It helps if fiscal policy is designed such that budget deficits that developed during the recessions shrink in the expansion. And there’s always ample amount of work to be done in ensuring that export markets are open to more businesses and workers are adequately trained. Recessions are always tough times for any country’s work force. Those with jobs are shown the door and those who are freshers in the job market face a dead end!
What matters most to thriving businesses and a successful workforce is the quality of public goods. That could include physical infrastructure and the quality of the workforce. The youth plays a vital role in the formation of a government with expectations of better job opportunities. Thus, it is up to the government to play a vital role in developing the job market. With relevant reforms and policies, the government can surely be the driving force behind a successful workforce and economy.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Efficiency Test – Practical V/S Theoretical Education

An ounce of practice is generally worth more than a ton of theory.”
― E.F. Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered
No wonder the above line is worth a billion dollars! Mind captures more when it visualizes things. No, it’s not just us but several medical researches around the globe have shown that a brain studies and retains more when it actually watches a particular thing in action than just reader hear about it. It becomes clearer when the brain is young.
Going through a paragraph of the recipe for a delicious dish and actually feeling the taste in your mouth does make a big difference isn’t it? That’s the difference between theoretical and practical education. Well, you certainly cannot deny implementing it when it comes to education.
Students and parents have had the trepidation for the longest time now that educational institutes in India lack practical studies and hands on demonstrations or training. The significance of practical knowledge in education cannot be ignored. Today, when a teacher is faced with the challenge of demonstrating certain concepts and theories can we or should we really blame him/her. How does it help the instructors exhibiting it when they themselves have not been facilitated with the same?
Practical knowledge helps one experience the very existence of a subject. Be it the properties of chemicals or concepts of matter and force, be it literature or philosophy, history or geography - it is obviously interesting to see the rules in motion than just keep mugging random data.

It is only through experiments and educational videos that one can have a better and quicker understanding of the context of a subject. Practical knowledge helps one learn better. Theoretical knowledge alone can never meet all these expectations.Hence theory should always be balanced with practical education. It is indeed more effective and helps the students stay stress free.
Surely those with eidetic memories might not mind simply mugging things up and reproducing the same in the exam answer sheets. Those with not-so-great memories suffer because of this existent pattern of education in the country. In both cases, how does that help inculcate originality? Reproducing exact words from textbook; limits the thinking abilities of students and hampers development.
When we simply study a lesson for a test, our brain tends to retain it for a short period. Thus the motive of holistic learning remains un achieved. We all learn theorems in schools but hardly remember them once the exams are over. We mug up different experiments, which should, in reality be a practical experience. The entire purpose of education as a means of enlightenment is lost in the process. The lack of experiential learning makes students lose interest in studies and they try to learn everything by heart only to get good marks in exams!
Practical knowledge is way more communicative than theoretical education. It is as good as teaching irrespective of whether the student is able to perceive the context or not. No doubt, theoretical and practical education goes hand-in-hand; the trick however lies in finding the best balance.

Sunday, 7 December 2014


What kind of work could possibly be more important than the work to find “the” work? As funny as it sounds, it truly is one heck of a job – the task to find the perfect career!
The task is particularly difficult for freshers as they are all quite perplexed about choosing a certain category of work which would suite them. While, sometimes, options make life easy, at times, too many options can be confusing too!
After all the years spent in studying, exploring recreational preferences, establishing demands met or unmet in the cocooned shelter of parents, facing the cold reality of career and jobs would indeed sound very challenging.
So how do you choose the right career option? Career counseling can be your answer!
It is one of the active ways to figure out new opportunities in career development. One may struggle to understand the prospects in his/her career and want to follow the right track of building one. These are the times when career counseling seems to be a better option.
A career counselor usually guides a person through a process of assessments which include aptitude tests, interactive tests, psychometric tests and personality tests. These assessments generally measure the skills, values, personality or a combination of all these to be precise. Based on these results a counselor summaries a suitable career for the candidate. Career counseling helps a fresher get a clear vision of his career path and stay focused on his/her objective.
Besides the concerns of the counselors and others, the tests are often useful in helping freshers consider taking up careers which they had not thought of earlier. The suggestions too are worth following up to.
If you are a fresher seeking advice, do not think that meeting a career counselor would fix it all; believe in your instincts too. It is quite understood that an athlete at heart would not like to spend 9 to 12 hours each day doing a back office job or a creative person would not prefer a call center! A vital part of the counselors job is to take you on a tour of goal setting in your career accomplishments and help you discover varied career options.
A good career counseling helps to identify plentiful channels and options. But it is important that you end up going to the right place. Do some research work and also meet the people who have been through such counselings. It is important that the career counseling is done in a proper way. Hopefully it won’t be much of a trouble since you have the Google God!
So if you are ready to start looking for a new job, a career counselor will be of great help. There are career counselors who offer help with cover letters, curriculum vitae and have mock interviewing facilities along with their counseling amenities. A good career counseling
will deliver you with the tools, feedback and assets you need for your job search to be fruitful.